Teacher Listings

Please find below a list of woodwind/brass teachers with contact details.

If you are interested in being added to this list, please see details at the bottom of the page.


Name Instruments Levels Location Tel. Email
Deena Draycott Bassoon Beginner to G8 Ilkeston 07954 163175 heydiddlefiddle@hotmail.com
Alison Bailey Clarinet Beginners to advanced Long Eaton and online alisonjbailey@icloud.com
Dawn Bratby Clarinet Beginner to advanced Wollaton 07788 117552 dawnyb34@msn.com
Rob Cox Clarinet Beginner to Diploma+ Within 10 miles of Beeston inc Long Eaton, Clifton, West Bridgford 07933 106747 robcox120@gmail.com
John Dunn Clarinet Beginner to G8/Diploma Sutton in Ashfield 07778 497818 johndunn391@virginmedia.com
Martina Englefield Clarinet Beginners to advanced Derby 07939 447493 marti.e.music.me@gmail.com
Alicia Fletcher Clarinet Beginner to Gr8 Cropwell Bishop 07921 502198 afletcher101@hotmail.com
Tracey Gordon Clarinet Beginners to Grade 8 Tollerton, Rushcliffe 07722 322002 traceygordon@gmail.com
Heather Knox Clarinet Beginner to G5 - 07769 653834 heathermusikgarten@outlook.com
Alison Mitchell Clarinet All grades Radcliffe on Trent 07713 476104 timusicng12@gmail.com
George Platt Clarinet All grades Castle Donington 07495 501806 gplattmusic@gmail.com
Christine Taylor Clarinet Up to Diploma / music college Leicestershire 07802 664173 christinetaylor2311@gmail.com
Alison Bailey Flute Beginners to advanced Long Eaton and online alisonjbailey@icloud.com
Dawn Bratby Flute Beginner to advanced Wollaton 07788 117552 dawnyb34@msn.com
Claire Duffy Flute Gr1-8  Beeston / Wollaton ceduffy@ntlworld.com
Martina Englefield Flute Beginner to G5 Derby 07939 447493 marti.e.music.me@gmail.com
Alicia Fletcher Flute Beginners to Gr8 Cropwell Bishop 07921 502198 afletcher101@hotmail.com
Della Fraser Flute Beginners to Diploma Bramcote, NG9 07813 672950 della.fraser@ntlworld.com
Veronica French Flute Beginners to advanced (Gr 8) West Bridgford vjfrench@gmail.com
Yvonne Gerrard Flute Beginner to Diploma Bingham area, NG13 07864 679128 ygerrard@hotmail.com
Kirsty Harden Flute Beginner to ARSM Matlock, Alfreton, Ripley (at home) 07812 413723 kirstyharden@hotmail.com
Joe Lam Flute Beginner to Diploma Nottingham, Derby, Online 07724 546956 joelamcy1001f@gmail.com
Claire Lisi Flute Beginner to diploma Chesterfield, Derbys, Notts 07970 147716 claire@lisi.me.uk
Heather Knox Flute Beginner to Diploma - 07769 653834 heathermusikgarten@outlook.com
Alison Madin Flute Beginner to advanced Toton / West Nottingham 07976 515404 madinmusic7@gmail.com
Marguerite McMullin Flute Beginner to advanced Sherwood, Mapperley 07745 721293 margymcmullin@hotmail.com
Aison Mee Flute Beginner to G8 Nottingham 0115 7838244 alimee1@icloud.com
George Platt Flute all grades Castle Donington 07495 501806 gplattmusic@gmail.com
Alison Bailey Saxophone Beginners to advanced Long Eaton and online alisonjbailey@icloud.com
Dawn Bratby Saxophone Beginner to advanced Wollaton 07788 117552 dawnyb34@msn.com
Rob Cox Saxophone Beginner to Diploma+ Within 10 miles of Beeston inc Long Eaton, Clifton, West Bridgford 07933 106747 robcox120@gmail.com
Martina Engelfield Saxophone Beginner to G5 Derby 07939 447493 marti.e.music.me@gmail.com
Della Fraser Saxophone Beginners to G8 Bramcote, NG9 07813 672950 della.fraser@ntlworld.com
Paul Hollis Saxophone Beginner to Diploma Wollaton 07885 650403 paul@paulhollis.co.uk
Heather Knox Saxophone Beginner to G5 - 07769 653834 heathermusikgarten@outlook.com
Ben Martin Saxophone Intermediate - advanced JAZZ Sherwood 07903 184378 benjaminmartinmusic@gmail.com
George Platt Saxophone All grades Castle Donington 07495 501806 gplattmusic@gmail.com
Christine Taylor Saxophone Up to Gr 8 Leicestershire 07802 664173 christinetaylor2311@gmail.com
Glenn Brailsford Trumpet Beginner to G8 Newark, Nottingham 07906 405470 brailsford007@hotmail.com
Clare Saffin Trumpet Beginner to G8 Wollaton/Beeston 07775 446171 clsaffin@gmail.com

Duncan Abrahart Trombone Beginner to G8 West Bridgford 07592 343109 duncanabrahart@gmail.com
Clare Saffin Trombone Beginner to G2 Wollaton/Beeston 07775 446171 clsaffin@gmail.com


To submit your information for addition to this list, please complete the form below and include details of your location (not full address), instruments taught and levels taught in the comments section. Note that the email address and telephone number will be published on the listing. If you would rather only one of these was used, please inform us.

If you would like your details to be removed at any point, please just let us know.

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